This Keto friendly Pizza recipe is easy and very much liked by us. When switching to Low-carb (Keto) we went looking for a good replacement pizza recipe. Some are very cauliflower dominant, while others are almost totally cheese, although some of these taste very good. After trying out a number of pizza recipes with varying results, we came across this tasty recipe. Preparation is very easy and fast.
Makes 4 medium servings with added salad.

Pizza Base Ingredients:
185 grams (6-1/2 oz) grated mozzarella cheese
40 grams (1-1/2 oz) cream-cheese
1 tsp Onion or Garlic powder
100 grams (4oz) almond flour
1 egg size 7 (Large)
Salt and pepper to taste
50 grams (2oz) grated Parmesan Cheese
Select your own toppings, such as tomato, scallions, bacon, ham, pineapple.
Preheat oven to 220° C, or 425° F
Allow egg to warm up to room temperature.
Select and oil a suitable flat dish or tray, or you can use baking paper (best).
Soften Mozzarella and Cream-cheese in a bowl in the microwave, stir together then cook for about 30 seconds on high.
Add the Onion powder, Almond flour, Egg and a little salt and pepper.
Mix well, then tip onto baking paper on tray and press out evenly until it is about 3mm (1/8 inch) thick.
Top with your choice of toppings then add a layer of grated Parmesan Cheese.
Bake until the everything looks tasty, about 20+ minutes.
Serve hot. Enjoy.
George Elder,